
緊急呼籲支持阿貝茨(Eric Abetz)參議員敢於與極權政權公開對抗


14 November 2020

Urgent call to support Senator Eric Abetz in his open confrontation of totalitarian regimes

緊急呼籲支持阿貝茨(Eric Abetz)參議員敢於與極權政權公開對抗

Dear Prime Minister,


We, as members of the Australian Values Alliance (AVA), express grave concerns at the unfounded attacks against Senator Eric Abetz for his open confrontation of the Chinese Totalitarian Regime.
AVA is an advocacy NGO aspiring to safeguard and promote Australian core values. Most of our members are of Chinese origin with a mainland China background.

我們是澳洲價值守護聯盟 (Australian Values Alliance,即AVA)成員,對阿貝茨(Eric Abetz)參議員因公開對抗中共極權政府而遭到無端攻擊的行為表示嚴重關注。澳洲價值守護聯盟屬於一個倡導型非政府組織,致力於守護並倡導澳洲核心價值。我們的多數成員是具有中國大陸背景的澳籍華人。

We would  like to take this opportunity to commend the Australian Government for their recent actions and policies to address Foreign Interference and protecting Australia』s sovereignty and values.
This letter is to request the Australian Government to address the contents of the petition from the Asian Australian Alliance (「AAA」) against Senator Eric Abetz dated 12 Nov 2020.

此信懇請澳大利亞政府對2020年11月12日澳大利亞亞裔聯盟(Asian Australian Alliance, 即AAA)反對阿貝茨(Eric Abetz)參議員的請願信做出反應

Key Concerns: 主要問題包括:

  • We are alarmed by the accusation that 「racism」 was the driving force for Senator Abetz』s valid questions posed at the October 14 Senate Inquiry. 我們對10月14日阿貝茨在參議院聽證會上提出的合理問題被人指控為「種族主義」驅動,表示震驚。
  • The three witnesses at the inquiry participated in 「individual capacity」 as Australian-Chinese. Their views do not represent the entire Chinese community and subsequent accusations published in the media should be viewed with caution. 三名澳籍華人證人以「個人名義」參加了聽證會。其觀點不能代表整個澳洲華人社區。 而隨後在媒體報道中對阿貝茨參議員的攻擊更應該予以謹慎審視。
  • The three acknowledged that the ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has a dismal human rights record, yet stopped short of condemning the regime – a point the Senator Abetz made in context of other similar regimes and without disrespecting the witnesses. 這三位證人承認中共當局有不光彩的人權紀錄,但不屑於譴責中共。阿貝茨參議員陳述的觀點適用於其他類似極權政權,並無對證人不尊重。
  • We unequivocally believe that condemning the CCP is not racist, as it does not represent the Chinese people. The unfounded attacks on Senator Abetz have misled the public and members of Government. 我們完全相信,譴責中共不是種族歧視,因為中共不代表中國人民。而那些對阿貝茨參議員無根據的指責已經誤導了大眾和政府成員
  • The CCP is not a democratically elected government, and the Chinese people are the very victims of the regime.  Over 70 million Chinese nationals and overseas Chinese died from the CCP brutality. 中共不是一個民主選舉的政府,而中國人民則是這個政權的最直接受害者。7千萬中國同胞(包括海外華人)死於中共暴政。
  • It appears that like many other Chinese Australians, the three witnesses were reluctant to express their view due to their fear of the CCP, which demonstrates the CCP』s infiltration in Australia have reached an alarming level. 顯然,與其他澳洲華人一樣,那三名證人因懼怕中共而不願公開表達其觀點。而這一現象證明了中共對澳大利亞的滲透已經達到了令人震驚的程度

The Asian Australian Alliance (「AAA」) has falsely accused Senator Eric Abetz using the racism blame card.  We remain deeply concerned and hope that the Australian Government be alerted about the danger when the racism is being weaponised in the political arena. This is also a common tactic of the CCP, which we have observed in recent years since the Australian Government has taken important steps to protect our freedoms.  澳大利亞亞裔聯盟打種族主義牌對阿貝茨參議員進行了錯誤的指控。我們對此深表關注。當有人在政治舞台上將「種族主義」武器化的時候,我們希望澳大利亞政府對危險保持警惕。近年來,自從澳大利亞政府採取重要舉措保護我們自由,我們觀察到這種技倆為中共慣用。

We are further appalled that the Asian Australian Alliance (「AAA」) has requested Prime Minister Scott Morrison to reassure Chinese Australian community that the line of 「loyalty testing」 to be unacceptable behaviour. The motives of such request raise more concerns about the source of their allegiance, and it proved to be the perfect litmus test of the individuals.澳大利亞亞裔聯盟要求莫里森總理確保不對澳洲華人社區進行「忠誠度測試」。對此,我們深感震驚。提出此項要求的動機更是引發我們思考:他們到底忠誠于誰?這無疑是對個人最好的試金石。

Senator Abetz』s question has no reference to one』s ethnic heritage, race or loyalty. The questions were evidently asked because of the three named individuals』 responsibility as working in the public office. We encourage member of the Australian Government and public to view his statements in the context in which they were asked, as is documented in the Hansard transcript. 阿貝茨參議員的提問與一個人的民族遺產、種族或忠誠毫無關係。他之所以提出那些問題是因為那三位被提問者在公共部門工作。我們希望政府人員和公眾去國會會議記錄里查閱一下當時情景下他為何如此提問。

「That is why, might I add, that in nearly every single interview that I do unequivocally condemning the Chinese Communist Party I stress that this is not a condemnation of the Chinese people—because I believe that they are just as freedom loving as every other human being on the planet—but that I am condemning the regime under which they suffer, just as much as not all Germans were Nazis, or all Russians communists, or all Italians part of the Mafioso or Vietnamese part of the triads. But, as German-born, can I say that I have no difficulty in saying unequivocally that the Nazi regime deserved to be condemned. I’m just concerned that some of our witnesses have great difficulty in condemning a regime that has been responsible for millions of deaths; incarceration of millions; forced organ harvesting; illegal land grabs; ripping up of an international—UN sanctioned, even—agreement between the UK and China in relation to Hong Kong; and the list goes on.」 「在我所作的幾乎所有訪談中都明確譴責中共,但我強調並不是譴責中國人民。因為我相信中國人民與這個星球上其他所有民族一樣熱愛自由。但我譴責的是那個使他們飽受苦難的政權,正如不是所有德國人都是納粹黨徒,所有俄國人都是蘇共,所有義大利人都是黑手黨,或者所有越南人都是三合會一樣。而我自己作為德國後裔,我可以毫無困難地明確表示德國納粹政權應該遭到譴責。我無非是關注我們的一些證人很難對一個殺害了數百萬人、囚禁了數百萬人,活摘器官、非法掠地、撕毀關於香港的在聯合國備案的國際協定的政權進行譴責。」

As stated in Senate Abetz』s full statement dated 15 October 2020, 「Standing firm against ugly dictatorships is everyone』s duty」 . Labelling the request of condemnation of the CCP to be 「racism」 is fallacious and causes danger to Australia』s sovereignty. 正如阿貝茨參議員在2020年10月15日的聲明中所述: 「堅定地面對醜陋的獨裁政權 是每個人的職責」。把對中共的譴責標籤為種族主義是荒謬的,對澳大利亞主權構成威脅。

The three individuals are not qualified to represent the voice from the Australian Chinese community. Chinese  Australians are the very victims of the CCP dictatorship and hope that the Australian government will stand firm against CCP』s threats and coercions.  那三位被提問者沒有資格代表澳大利亞華人社區發聲。澳大利亞華人是中共獨裁統治最直接的受害者, 他們期望澳大利亞政府堅決反對中共的威脅和逼迫。

 It is vital that the Australians should not be misled by their false representation, which compromises social cohesion and undermine Australia』s parliamentary democracy.  If this unfounded campaign against Senator Abetz silenced public criticism of CCP tyranny within the Australian Parliament, there will be even fewer Australian-Chinese citizens who would be willing to have faith in or participate in Australian politics. 關鍵是澳洲人不應該被他們虛假表述所誤導。否則,社會凝聚力就會受損,澳洲議會民主制也將遭到破壞。倘若這種對阿貝茨參議員毫無根據的抹黑使澳洲議會內對中共暴政的批評消音,那麼以後願意參与澳洲政治的華裔澳洲公民就會越來越少了。

The fact that the CCP』s infiltration threatens the sovereignty of democratic countries is acknowledged internationally, and is well documented in the reports such as The Party Speaks for Youby Alex Joske of the ASPI and Mind Your Tongue by Professor John Fitzgerald. 中共滲透對民主國家的主權已造成了威脅,這一事實已經取得國際共識,在諸如周安瀾(Alex Joske) 所著的《黨幫你說話》和約翰·菲茨傑拉德 (John Fitzgerald)教授所著的《小心說話》等報告中可以找到大量可查證的文件。

We are grateful for Senator Eric Abetz』s courage in defending the honour of Australia and its values. His position is commendable, and other Australian politicians should be encouraged to follow accordingly. 我們感恩阿貝茨參議員捍衛澳洲榮譽和價值的勇氣。他的立場值得稱讚。其他澳洲政治家也應該像他那樣。。

We request the government to immediately:我們請求政府立即:

1)      Acknowledge condemnation of any totalitarian dictatorship, including the CCP, to be necessary when protecting Australia』s sovereignty and democratic values. 確認在保護澳大利亞主權和民主價值時對包括中共在內的任何極權專政進行譴責是必要的。

2)      Ensure the safety of the Australian citizens by identifying any false representations of racism which compromises social cohesion.對那些以種族主義為借口而行破壞社會凝聚力之實的虛假代表事件進行調查,以確保澳大利亞公民的人身安全。

AVA has lodged an  E-petition (no EN2110) to the Parliament and call the public to sign and show support. 澳洲價值聯盟已向澳大利亞國會提交了第EN2110 號請願書, 並 呼籲公眾簽署支持。

Yours Truely, 誠摯的

Australian Values Alliance澳洲價值守護聯盟

from 情系中華 – 澳洲新聞網 https://ift.tt/3fnRjfk

